Title: The Clockwork Girl
Author: Anna Mazzola
Publisher: Orion
Pages: 368
Release Date: 3 March 2022
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Hello fellow book lovers, today I’m back with a review for the deliciously dark and intoxicatingly intricate The Clockwork Girl by Anna Mazzola.
I‘ve been really enjoying historical fiction recently and 2022 has soo many brilliant ones hitting shelves, so as soon as I heard the synopsis I knew I had to read this and it didn’t disappoint!
I loved the gothic elements that really built on Mazzola’s rich visuals; creating a chillingly atmospheric (and an absolute must read) tale of obsession, illusion and social upheaval in 18th Century France.
It’s set in 1750, Paris and follows Madeleine, the scarred daughter of a brothers owner who’s given the task to discover the truth of Dr. Reinhart’s (the eccentric clockmaker) experiments and record his every move, in exchange for her own chance of freedom.
For children are vanishing from the Parisian streets and rumours are swirling that the clockmaker's spectacular mechanical creations are more than what they seem.
And soon Madeleine fears that she’s stumbled upon an even bigger conspiracy. One which might reach to the very heart of Versailles...