About Me
Hello, my name is Natasha and I’m from London, England.
I’ve always been a very enthusiastic and voracious reader, it started with Road Dahl, Jaqueline Wilson and Meg Cabot with Matilda,Tracy Beaker and The Princess Diaries being just a few of my favourite childhood reads.
As an adult I’ve only become more passionate (and even more voracious) as a reader and have been reading, reviewing and connecting with other passionate book lovers on Instagram and goodreads.
But I wanted to engage with more people and talk more about books without the pesky character limit social media tends to have, so here I am with my very own Book blog.
I do enjoy reading a wide variety of genres but YA Fantasy, Contemporary and Romance are my all time faves, I do also enjoy Historical fiction when paired with romance or fantasy.
I hope you enjoy my blog and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. You can also find me over on my Instagram page, @natashaleighton_. Feel free to add me, I love interacting with other book lovers and am always on the lookout for new people to follow.
Review Policy
I am not currently accepting review requests at this time. But I do have a bit of a backlog and so I’m currently having to be very picky. All requests that make it clear you haven’t read my review policy/list of acceptable genres/acceptable review requests will unfortunately be deleted.
Things I’m not accepting:
•Non Fiction—I very rarely read this genre but I’m extremely selective so I just don’t take requests for it.
Genres I Read
•Contemporary YA (usually involves romance)
•YA Fantasy (I can be pretty picky)
•YA Historical Fiction (I’m very picky with this genre)
•Sci-fi (not a genre I read often, I’m very picky)
•Literary Fiction
• “Chick Lit” or Women’s Fiction
• Fantasy (picky)
•Historical Fiction (I’m extremely picky with this genre)
What Forms I Will Accept:
• Physical Copy (ARC or Hardcopy)
• Digital Copy (EPUB or Kindle)
I’m not currently accepting audio book review requests at this time
What you should include in your review request:
•Summary and genre
•Release date
•Any relevant info such as anything that shows why this would be perfect for me based on the content on my blog.
•If there’s a timeframe for when you expect a review to be posted, do let me know as this will very much factor into my decision.
What happens if I accept your review:
Even if I accept your request, I can’t guarantee it will be read immediately or that I’ll post immediately after reading. I do my best to read in a timely manner but sometimes it’s not possible. If the book is an ARC I’ll try to post on or near to the publishing date. I also try to post my reviews to Goodreads in addition to on my blog.
Also please bear in mind that this blog is something I do in my spare time and that I’m not paid to do so, which means I cannot accept and sometimes I might not be able to respond to every request. I do really try and I am honoured that you want me to read your work—that means the world to me!
You can contact me in the form below