Title: Revelle
Author: Lyssa Mia Smith
Genre: Historical YA Fantasy
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Pages: 464
Release Date:16 March 2023
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Hello fellow book lovers! Today I'm sharing my review Lyssa Mia Smith's decadently lush and utterly mesmerising debut, Revelle which is a dazzling, showstopping gem of a book that I literally couldn't put down!

Inspired by Moulin Rouge! and set on an island in a magical version of Prohibition-era New York, Revelle is a breathtaking YA stand-alone fantasy full of dazzling magic, romance, and mystery from debut author Lyssa Mia Smith.
On the island of Charmant, magic flows like bootlegged champagne, and fantasies can be bought for the price of a gemstone.
Luxe Revelle, star of her family’s fantastical show, knows the splendor is just an illusion. With Prohibition threatening their livelihood, her family struggles to make a living, watering down champagne and patching holes in their sequined costumes. So when the son of Charmant’s wealthiest family makes her an offer—everything the Revelles need to stay in business, in exchange for posing as his girl and helping him become mayor—she can’t refuse.
The moment Jamison Port sets foot in Charmant, he can’t shake the feeling of familiarity. An orphan with as few memories as gemstones, he’s desperate to learn what happened to his parents. But as he delves into the island’s secrets, he risks angering the wrong person and discovering a truth that just might break his heart.
When Luxe and Jamison accidentally meet, the sparks that fly are more than her magical enchantments. But keeping secrets from powerful people is a dangerous game . . . one that could destroy them both.
As soon as I heard about the Moulin Rouge! style premise I knew I needed to read this and I’m soo glad to say it was even better than I expected. The writing was absolutely gorgeous and soo full of detail. With every page brimming with twists, turns and magic-based intrigue that I couldn’t get enough of.
I really enjoyed the world building which was rich in detail and soo decadently, vibrantly immersive. The setting itself did give off very Caraval meets The Great Gatsby vibes (which is a mashup I didn’t even know I needed in my life) but Moulin Rouge’s influences are what stick out to me the most. As a lifelong fan of Baz Luhrmann’s 2001 musical, it was fun to spot the little easter eggs and homages that were scattered throughout. Though of course, this is a wholly original story that brings a magic all of its own. Right down to the endearing found family-esque cast of characters.
Luxe, our protagonist, although similar in some ways to Nicole Kidman’s Satine does come across as a far more compassionate and three dimensional character, willing to sacrifice her own dreams & use her magical gifts to help the family—even at the detriment to her own health. It’s an aspect that feels out of place for Luxe to begin with but makes total sense once you delve into her life and the loss she’s endured.
I loved exploring the complex nature of her relationships-be they the strained familial bond with her cousins Collette and Millie (whom she’s been distant with for years) or the fiercely swoon-worthy, star crossed relationship she has with love interest Jamison (who is a complete cinnamon-roll btw.)
As this is a dual POV, we do get to experience Jamison’s perspective too which I found really intriguing. As an orphan and relative newcomer to the island, Jamison is looking to find out what happened to his parents. With only a few hazy memories at hand and the feeling that he’s been to Charmont before, he embarks on a pretty emotional journey that sees him unravel some of the island’s biggest (and in some cases, darkest) secrets.
I also loved how many vibrant and utterly endearing supporting characters we meet(particularly Collette, Roger, Trys, Millie, Trevor and Luxe’s grandmother Nana) I just wish that we’d had more time to get to know them all (I’m also hoping that someday we get a prequel or spinoff involving Nana Revelle.)
Overall, a heart-racing and unputdownable historical fantasy that fans of Stephanie Garber will absolutely adore!
Also a huge thank you to Haper360YA for the proof.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
About The Author
