Title: My Week With Him
Author: Joya Goffney
Genre: Contemporary YA
Publisher: Hot Key Books
Pages: 400
Release Date: 11 July 2023
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Hello fellow book lovers! Today I'm sharing my review for My Week With Him by Joya Goffney. A beautifully written, coming of age YA that explores complex relationships, family drama and the healing power of love— in all its many forms.
Nikki's always had a difficult relationship with her mum. So when she finds herself homeless at the start of spring break, she decides to rage-quit Texas and give California a shot, to pursue her dream music career.
Until her best friend and long-time crush, Malachai, discovers her plan and convinces her to spend spring break with him, so he can show her all the reasons she should stay in Texas.
But when Nikki's little sister goes missing their plans are interrupted, and Nikki is forced to face her feelings about both her mum and Mal. Can Nikki find the love she's always been missing? And will it be enough to convince her to stay in Texas?